Makeup and beauty blog Monday Poll, Vol. 318
excuse me, does this horse go to the Grand Ole Opry?
You might be wondering, “So what the heck is this Monday Poll thing anyway?”
Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s more just a constantly evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past seven years. I’ve always enjoyed reading your answers in the comments, and I hope you enjoy reading mine.
Have you ever walked up to someone and asked for their autograph?
Nobody really famous, but when I was a kid and we’d go to Disneyland, I’d walk up to Minnie mouse with my autograph book and be like, “Excuse me, Ms. Minnie? would you please sign my book??”
That was a really big deal for me because I was very shy.
What’s the oldest piece of working technology in your home (record player, tape recorder, etc.)?
Well, the other day I was doing some cleaning, and I found my old Blackberry from 2007. I didn’t test it out, but I’m pretty sure it still works.
What’s one vital personal care product (cuticle oil, wet Ones Wipes, a particular hand cream, Purell, etc.) that you have to have with you when you travel?
I ALWAS have to have wet Ones Wipes with me. I am that freaky lady who wipes down her tray table on the plane, the armrests, and when I get to the hotel I give everything a once over.
I actually just did that right now, haha!
Has anyone ever painted, drawn or sketched a picture of you?
“Draw me like one of your French girls.”
What’s your stance on wearing rhinestones on nails?
I am pro rhinestones on nails. I’m a strong supporter, but I do believe that they shouldn’t be a rhinestone free-for-all. I think it should be regulated rhinestones.
Tvůj tah. just copy and paste the following questions into a comment with your answers. I look forward to reading ’em!
1. have you ever walked up to someone and asked for their autograph?
2. What’s the oldest piece of working technology in your home (record player, tape recorder, etc.)?
3. What’s one vital personal care product (cuticle oil, wet Ones Wipes, a particular hand cream, Purell, etc.) that you have to have with you when you travel?
4. has anyone ever painted, drawn or sketched a picture of you?
5. What’s your stance on wearing rhinestones on nails?
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P.S. save the cheerleader, save the world…
Your burning beauty questions for Hayden Panettiere! I needs them! I have a short interview with Hayden, who’s a Neutrogena brand Ambassador, here in Nashville this afternoon. should I ask her about skin care, color products, or what her makeup routine is like on the show, Nashville? Lookin’ for help with question ideas…
I can’t guarantee what I’ll be able to ask, but I’ll try to get as many questions answered as possible. I can be very persistent, so ya never know…
Just leave your questions here in the comments for me because I’ll be checking the blog all the way up till the interview starts.