Make-up a odvolací blog pondělí hlasování, sv. 656

feeling the spirit!

Takže … Jaký je pondělní průzkum?

Výborná otázka! Není to na rozdíl od jeho jména, skutečný průzkum, jako s malými tlačítky. Je to jen seznam pěti mnohem více nebo méně náhodných otázek, které jsem vysílal na tomto blogu každý pondělí ráno pro minulé kvadrijní roky (od roku 2007). Miluji čtení vašich odpovědí, a pomáhá mi dostat svůj týden na dobrý start. ?

1. candy canes or roasted chestnuts?

Roasted chestnuts. Bezpochyby!

2. What’s a lot more crucial to you — mascara or brow pencils?

Mezi! — this one’s brutal. I would say that both are crucial to me (LOL) and needed for me to feel like a real live girl…but if you’re making me pick one…then mascara all the way. When, like me, you don’t have a deep crease, mascara works wonders to open up the eyes.


3. Last holiday motion picture you watched?

I enjoyed a humorous motion picture on Disney+ called Godmothered last weekend! It’s about an inexperienced rookie fairy godmother who’s figured out to become the best godmother she can be, so she goes rogue to help a Boston mommy and her family find their “happily ever after” over the holidays.

4. Concealer or blush?

I’ll take all the blush please.

5. foundation or lipstick?

TOUGH! I’d opt for lipstick, I guess, even though we’re all sheltered in place until January, and nobody but my immediate fam-bam will see it.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

Hey, at least I can wear it around the house. That makes me happy.

6. straight or wavy hair?

Although I love how tidy straight hair looks, it’s such a chore to get my hair to look that way. Seriously, it involves, like, three days of development planning! So I’ll opt for wavy hair, considering that mine already has lots of natural waves, and it’s much easier to deal with.

7. Egg nog or holiday fruitcake?

BLAH to either, but I guess I could do holiday fruitcake if I had a big cup of coffee or hot chocolate to wash it down…

8. Last series you marathoned?

Virgin River season 2 on Netflix is where it’s at, babe!

9. What color are you socks today?

I’m wearing light gray ’80s aerobics instructor-style thick socks (it’s cold here today). They’re all scrunched up around my ankles!

Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,



P.S. Zde jsou otázky pro kopírování / vložení s odpověďmi v komentáři. Brzy promluvte.

1. candy canes or roasted chestnuts?
2. What’s a lot more crucial to you — mascara or brow pencil?
3. Last holiday motion picture you watched?
4. Concealer or blush?
5. foundation or lipstick?
6. straight or wavy hair?
7. Egg nog or holiday fruitcake?
8. Last series you marathoned?
9. What color are you socks today?

P.p.S. hey there and delighted Monday, my dear friend! ? I hope you’re feeling calm and centered today. I’m trying my best to wrap up everything I need to do for Christmas (no waiting till the last minute here… NOPE!). sending you a big hug and happy vibes today.

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